Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Busy Bears

We have been very busy bears lately. It feel like we have hardly been home at all, but i guess it is that time of year. I am on vacation and getting to spend lots of time at home with my girls, which is really nice. We also have lots of family in town for Thanksgiving which adds up to a lot of fun activities  and adventures for us.
The good thing about the holidays season and all the extra family in town is that we have been getting invited to a lot of meals. It is really nice not having to cook or worry about dinner, as I have stated in past posts throwing a baby into mealtime causes all kinds of chaos. I am starting to feel guilty about all of the free food though. We definitely owe a lot of people meals sometime soon. Friday night we ate with the Campos family, they made us some delicious Lasagna. It was very good to spend some time with Lynda and Charles again as it has been a pain for us to get out much lately, you get to feeling like a prisoner in your own home. Jennies sister Wendy got into town on Sunday so we have been spending time with her and her family at both of Jennies local sisters houses. We have barbecued, started(but failed to finish) a puzzle, and eaten lots of yummy food that I didn't really need to eat (I suppose I will have to deal with it at New Years) and just kind of hung around and enjoyed each others company. I feel so privileged to get to join in the festivities this year. Normally I am working and only get to be at the meal on Thursday. I am finally getting the full on Bowler T-Day experience. 
We have also started getting in to the Christmas spirit already. Sunday morning we got up early, for us, and went back over to Casa de Campos to help with Project Christmas Child. Project Christmas Child is a program where you pack shoeboxes full of goodies and toiletries and they deliver them to underprivileged children around the world. The girls watched the babies while the men packed and wrapped boxes. We also shared a nice breakfast together. I wish we had been able to help a little more, I really only packed a few boxes and wrote some letters to put in them, but we had other plans that day and had to leave after a few hours. Nevertheless, it felt good to start out the season giving back in some way rather than worrying about presents and shopping. I hope that it helps brighten the day of the kids that receive them. It seems my brother started Christmas early this year as well. He is a paramedic on a Life Flight helicopter and apparently they spotted Santa's sleigh broken down on the side of the road and had to give him a lift in their helicopter. I bet when he was a kid he never thought he would be doing that when he grew up. 
In Ada news, there is a little bit to report. We seem to have found a bottle/nipple combo that works. It turns out after buying varied expensive setups with all the latest in nipple technology that she prefers the cheap old Nuk bottles that have nipples just like her pacifier. I wish she would have just told us that from the beginning...She has informed us rather passive aggressively that she is not pleased by our level of housekeeping. Yesterday after waking up and eating she decided to spew exorcist style all over our bed prompting an immediate sheet washing, that was a good time. Other than that she has enjoyed spending all the extra time with her Aunties and I think she is even starting to get used to riding in the car which is a bonus for us. Up until recently are car rides have been made to the soundtrack of Polly Prissy Pants' fire truck siren wailing. It is good to hear music again. With Thanksgiving tomorrow I am sure we will have lots of new stories and photos to share so check back soon, Love you all and Happy Thanksgiving!

Packing boxes for Operation Christmas Child

No Aunt Wendy, I am a bear not a turkey!

My Brother giving Santa a lift

"Please God fix these Monkeys you left me with"

1 comment:

Kathie said...

Oh my gosh! I'm DYING laughing here!! Polly Prissy Pants!?!?! And the prayerful Ada... I LOVE IT! I'm so happy you update your blog.... it inspires me to think about maybe picking it back up sometime in the future.... :) Love you Reese's!!!!