Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Tuesday was eight weeks since Ada's birth, so that meant a trip to the Doctor today. The good news first:

  1. She has grown 2 inches and is now 22 and a half inches
  2. She is up to 11 pounds 1 ounce 
  3. Her head is big (no surprise
  4. She is perfectly healthy and meeting all her milestones
The bad news is it was her first time getting shots. The Pediatrician that we see is very good, but that is kind of a problem. He spends alot  of time with his patients, which means every time we go it is a long wait and she is usually not happy by the time he shows up. Being that the shots were at the end of the visit she was not in a very good mood to start with. She received her oral vaccination first and instantly spit it back up. Jennie was able to talk the guy into letting her give her the second one and did a much better job of giving it to her slowly, and Ada was able to keep it down. She received 3 shots and as you can probably guess she started crying loudly, Jennie started crying too, so it is a good thing I was able to sneak out of work and meet them there so that I could try to comfort Jennie while she tried to comfort Ada. I think we will all survive.
In other family news. We had our friend Robyn who is a freelance photographer take some pictures of Ada. We have not got them back yet or would have posted some, but we will share them as soon as we have some. Ada is growing up, as I stated earlier. We have had to move out of newborn clothes fianlly. Some of the 0 to 3 ones are a little baggy but the tight NB ones looked equally silly and it is fun to put her into new outfits everyday again. We are also still trying to find a good bottle/nipple combo that works. She hasn't quite figures out the bottle yet and they all seem to flow too fast for her causing her to choke and get really angry, so we still have work to do on that front. We are very excited that I am on vacation next week and we are looking forward to watching lots of football and hanging out with family. We will talk to you next week and fill you in on how that went. Also I started a new blog where I will be posting things not related to Ada and family so please check that out here
The real author of this blog

Tigger towel 

At the Doctors 

New Big Girl Clothes

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