Today Ada is six Weeks old! She is doing such a great job and I think we are getting the hang of things a little bit as well. I took a week off because I was deep in email conversation with the Bowlers, and I felt like they were probably tired of reading me talk. There has been so much going on with Ada in the last two weeks though I felt it was time for an update.
We had been having a really rough time about two weeks ago. Ada was crying for hours at a time every evening and we couldn't seem to figure out why. She was also staying up for a good portion of the night and her and Jennie were hardly ever making it to bed. So we did some reading and other research and decided to try and make some changes and they seem to have worked. It turns out she needed a little less attention, in the evenings rather than being held the whole time, she likes to lay on her back to play and sing. We also found that white noise is the most powerful baby sedative that you can find. I found a phone app that has 40 different types of noise. She loves it! She is also sleeping through most of the night in bed, waking up just to eat. This means Jennie is sleeping and feeling better too.
She has taken a few bottles now too, which has allowed us to leave her for a few hours with someone and have an adult dinner without running out of the restaurant. She is such a big girl. The other big development has been some random little smiles, it is so cute. We can't wait until we get the full on real thing. We are going to start transitioning her out of our bed and into her bassinet. The Kitty is starting to get a little less scared, and a little more interested in her and has been smelling her in her co-sleeper. He has a tendency to walk across sleeping people so we think it is best to get her into there as soon as possible. Plus it will help when Jennie starts going back to work next month.
I know I am forgetting some things, I will write another post when I remember. I am a little tired. We hope to have some professional family pictures soon, so we will keep you all in the loop on that. With the Holidays and vacation time coming up I am sure we will have lots of fun things to report. So keep in touch!
I Was a Cat Burglar for Halloween |
She Loves Bath Time |
Playtime With Daddy |
Steven Thought He Needed to Check in on the Photo Shoot |
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