Monday, December 19, 2011

A Beary Merry Christmas

The fourth trimester is officially over, Ada turns 3 months old tomorrow! She is such a big bear. She barely fits in her bassinet now so we have to start transitioning her into her crib soon. We have had a lot going on in the last week, so much so, that I have had a a hard time making time for a post.
She has been a much happier girl lately. She seems to get grumpy for a week and then happy for a while. We think she is just going through growth spurts and so her sleeping patterns change and she gets tired, but then again I only play a doctor on tv. It is a good thing that she decided to shape up this week, because yesterday was Jennies first day back to work, and my first day alone as a parent. Everyone one seemed worried about us, which seems a bit sexist to me. Like I told Jennie, I take care of myself and my life is much more complicated, so I can't see why taking care of her should be any more difficult. I think we did just fine, we were both happy and i had her fed and down for naps at her regular intervals. So chalk one up for men.
In other family news we have spent a lot of time celebrating the holidays. We spent most of the weekend with the Bennions doing Christmas activities. Saturday we made gingerbread houses and had pizza, and Sunday we went over and watched "Its a Wonderful Life" and I made snowflakes with the kids it was a lot of fun! Tonight we are having a family Christmas get-together and singing Christmas songs, drinking wassail, and eating goodies. I can't wait for this weekend but i am sad that the holidays are almost over. Well, I just wanted to do a quick update for you that follow this thing. I will write a longer more well thought out one when things slow down a bit. Love you and Merry Christmas!

My Gingerbread Church with Gummy Nativity

All The Houses

Most Reesent photo of Ada

Jennie thought this picture was funny because I had on camp and she
is wearing green and brown she said I should post it. 

1 comment:

SADACAD said...

great pictures! I miss having smaller kids. We just don't do that stuff as much anymore. BTW, it's not that no one thought you could do it...we just have control issues :). Glad it is all working out!