Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ada's First Week at Home

Today is Ada's one week birthday! I suppose this is something that only first time parents get excited about, but it is a big deal for us. It is an understatment to say that things around here have been changing. Not necessarily in a bad way, but everything is new, so there has been a fair amount of anxiety and frustration. The interesting part is that it is not with Ada or each other as might have been the case in the past, but with our own ignorance and inabilliaty at times to comfort her or make her happy. But each new day we learn and grow. It is so exciting and refreshing to have this uncertainty and newness in our lives, for me anyway. I don't know if Jennie would agree always.
So, what has been going on this week? Well we have had bath time twice. Ada seems pretty at home in the water. She hasn't really cried about it at all. I know that this would be prime picture material. Unfortunately our camera ran out of batteries the first time and the second time I decided to help Jennie out...so bath pictures will have to come later. We have had two family outings. First we went to babies"r"us to pick up some things that we needed more of and to get a co-sleeper for our bed so that I could finally have my arm back at night(she is making the transition quite well). Then yesterday we went to visit the Doctor for the first time. The doctor says that she is perfect, but we knew that already. She was very good for most of the doctor visit and wouldn't have made a peep had we not been there for two hours.
Most of our time however has just been spent in our little cocoon, just the three of us. It has been so nice spending this time together, and it will be incredibly hard for me to go back to work tomorrow. I wish we could hang on to this closeness, but it is probably good for us to move forward at some point, and it will only be three days before I am off again. We have had some visitors come by as well, our friends and family have been very generous and thoughtful about keeping us fed. So far someone has stopped by almost everyday to bring us dinner or goodies, and they have all been so yummy I think I have gained ten pounds this week. Also Ada has had a chance to meet her Grandparents. We skyped with Nana and Pops Reese and Aunt Meagan when we got home last week, and Grandma Jodi and Papa Steve came by last night with dinner.
With Grandma and Papa

Other than that we have just been playing and sleeping, with a little crying mixed in. This includes taking our daily "Dolly Pictures". We got this little Doll and everyday we are taking a picture with her so that we can watch her grow and eventually I will make a really cool slideshow to share with everyone. We have also been trying to get her big brother Steven better aquatinted with her. He has been interested in her but hesitant to get too close. A few times when we have had visitors he has made it a point to position himself between her and them. It is very cute that he is protective of his little sister already. I am sure one day she will love him to death, and he will then protect himself from her. Well I guess that is about all I have to report so I will leave with some pictures. Love you all!

Dolly Pictures!!!
This is as close as he's gotten
Kitty Bottom
Mommy got a Chocolate chip on my belly

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